Delivers High Availability Solutions Supporting Commercial Operations

August 2, 1995 - Object World, Booth #44 - Sydney, Australia - Versant Object Technology Corporation, provider of the leading object database management system for multi-user, distributed applications, today announced shipment and general availability of new products and services enabling customers to deploy new object applications for business advantage. Focused on high availability database operations, the new offerings are the following:

Customers and analysts are equally excited about the opportunities provided by the VERSANT solutions. As Mitch Kramer, consulting editor at Patricia Seybold Group said, "the VERSANT Fault Tolerant Server is a breakthrough product for the object technology market, demonstrating Versant's commitment to address real business requirements. Organizations are making a safe bet as they adopt VERSANT as a key element of their database and object technology strategies."

More importantly, customers are able to deploy applications that combine the capabilities of object technology with the extensive management and operational database functions required by mainstream computing environments. In a related release, AG Communication Systems, a joint venture of AT&T and GTE, selected VERSANT to be the core of its intelligent network product line. Said Tony Nunziato, project administrator "We selected VERSANT because it helped resolve our need to support complex object models with the operational performance and reliability our customers demand."

"Versant's deliberate focus on network management and telecommunications is creating solutions that meet the tough requirements expected across a variety of industries," said David Banks, president and CEO of Versant. "Whether the application involves personal communications systems, ATM network management, on-line service provisioning or power grid management, we partner with our customers to provide the solutions they demand to meet their business challenges."

Initial product shipment is for the Sun and Hewlett-Packard platforms. Shipment on other supported platforms will follow shortly. Existing customers with active support contracts will receive Release 4 as part of their normal software maintenance. Contact Versant for pricing information.


VERSANT ODBMS Release 4 is a comprehensive product providing a host of features including:

Event Notification and Database Triggers

VERSANT ODBMS Release 4.0 provides an advanced event notification protocol. Using this feature, users can register for events with a database server and be notified when a given event occurs. Much like stored procedures in the relational world, users can execute methods based on the particular event. Versant's event notification mechanism is server-based, meaning that event triggering is detected by the VERSANT ODBMS server. Unlike client-based event notification schemes, Versant does not require the modification of existing applications to detect and act on database events.

Management Utilities

VERSANT ODBMS Release 4.0 also includes the following:


The VERSANT Fault Tolerant Server represents a breakthrough in database technology. Providing transparent failover, the VERSANT FT Server allows applications to continue operating even when there is a disruption caused by either system or network failure. Automatic resychroniztion and geographic redundancy ensure that customers can deploy new services with guaranteed up-time and integrity.


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